After School clubs
As part of the training which we offer to the communities in Calderdale, we run a number of After School clubs for various schools. These clubs run in both primary and Secondary schools and are open to all ages within the schools.
After School clubs run differently to our Traditional Classes. Students who attend the After School Clubs do not learn the Patterns and only cover a small amount of linework. Instead, they concentrate more on pad-work and self defense. Also, these students will not work towards their gradings. This is because, usually, these classes are for a set number of weeks which means it is not possible to learn everything they need to learn to grade. Students who do wish to grade are welcome to join our Traditional Classes as well as the After School clubs.
To help the students focus during the After School Clubs, we have a set program which we follow. At the end of the program, we try to arrange for a demonstration to the parents/carers/siblings/relatives who wish to come in to watch. We have also organised an in-school competition between the students which includes some line work and pad work races. These let the students show off what they have been learning in a fun way.